
My Take on Introducing Solids

Like with every other developmental milestone, I choose to take the child-led route. I let him feed himself, if he's interested. I have a few rules I follow; for example 1. nothing chokable, of course, and 2. veggies first. I don't spoon feed him anything. And I don't give him any baby cereals or the like.

I think it's important to follow his lead, and let him make his own decisions. I also think it's important for him to first develop a taste for vegetables before fruit. He really isn't ingesting any food, he's just getting a feel and a slight taste of different flavors. Really, he only needs breast milk. I think taking this approach will help him develop lifelong healthy eating habits. It worked for his veggie-loving big brother :).


leedav said...

If only more parents did it this way!!

allison mcd said...

i have so much respect for your approach. also, that first photo of him on the counter with veggies? THE cutest.

Molly said...

Maya's first was sorrel from my mother's friend's amazing garden. She also gummed a strawberry that weekend. We continue to do child-led foods, though she's a bit more of a picky eater than I would have hoped (I'm willing to at least taste about anything and her dada's substantially more limited). Anyway, have fun introducing new foods!

erin said...

Aww, you have two adorable kids!