

(jan. 1. 2012)

(jan. 2. 2012)

(jan. 3. 2012)

(jan. 4. 2012)

(jan. 5. 2012)

(jan. 6. 2012)

(jan. 7. 2012)

(jan. 8. 2012)

(jan. 9. 2012)

I'm doing it.

I really don't need another project in my life. I have so many unfinished projects and ideas swirling around. But this one, this one is different. I'm drawn to the 365 (366 this year). It will no doubt be challenging. I share a very edited version of my life here online and my lack of confidence in my writing skills keeps me from blogging more frequently. I'm not the best photographer either. But for whatever reason, I can't explain, I'm more comfortable sharing my photographs.

Follow me along, if you'd like. I'll be posting one photo a day this entire year. I hope to complete the project using only film, but I'm unsure if my pocket book will allow for that. Watch me as I (hopefully) grow in creativity, as an artist, as a photographer. I'm certain this project will help me accomplish some of my goals, ones I've shared here and ones I've kept quiet. I hope you enjoy the journey with me.


Nicole said...

I enjoy reading your words and seeing your beautiful photographs. I know what you mean about struggling to find the words. I'm hoping to grow a bit in a coming back to my blog. Love to you!

Jay Wen said...

I've started my 366 project as well. Good luck. I am finding it a bit hard to keep up but I'm trying my best.

Lari Washburn said...

I very much admire your way of living and the voice with which you share it. You are so wise to love and cherish your abundant and real life. Three cheers!

Unknown said...

wow this photos are beautiful. best of luck with your 366, i will be following you.