
From Our Pockets

Burl and I fill our pockets with sand, shells, and rocks when we come home from the beach. We have a big bowl where we collect shells, and play with them at home.
This collection is from our beach visit a few days ago.

When I was little, I absolutely loved seals and once found a piece of drift wood shaped just like a harbor seal. I kept it for many years, but over time it became lost. I still look for pieces of drift wood to replace it. Hopefully someday.


Molly said...

I used to call it "beach brushing" when I was a little kid visiting my grandma in Massachusetts. I'm in love with the blue of your shell (and the stripedy fabric behind it). xo

pencilfox said...

collecting stones and wood and shells.
one of my favourite pasttimes.

[i joke that because i'm so short, of course i'm going to look down instead of up. (smile)]

*love* visiting your blog again....