My mom, sisters and I have vivid memories of one night years ago trying to go to sleep. I was about 5. My mama was reading to us, *trying* to get her three little girls to sleep.
While she was reading, *trying* to settle us down, she read the words, "the peepers were peeping in the pond", which caused those three little girls and one mama to burst into laughter that lasted far longer than one would expect. It was one of those moments that the laughter was contagious and kept being passed from one to the other, building stronger and stronger with each giggle. It certainly did not help us fall asleep.
We don't remember the rest of the story or which book it came from. But we'll never forget those words, the laughter, the togetherness and the feeling of happiness we all felt.
Burl has no interest yet in falling asleep while I read to him. His preference is to fall asleep while nursing or being walked outside, usually the latter. Even better, doing both. Already though, we're creating nighttime memories of our own. And while I long for the day when he'll fall asleep (and stay asleep for that matter) more easily by simply reading to him, I know I'll miss these moments; out in the cold, with tired back and arms, holding my warm babe and singing to him while walking our streets.
I have boxes and boxes of books from my childhood to read through to find which book those words came from and just what that story of the "peepers peeping" was all about. I so look forward to re-reading these books in my home, trying to find those words again. And in my search, creating new bedtime memories with my own family.